Around our office, it’s obvious time records and paychecks are derived from choosing a career path in architecture, but I’d respectfully suggest mostly everyone here perceived a unique calling at some point in life to design buildings, to make places. The schooling is much too lengthy, the hours too long, the apprenticing too arduous, the paychecks are too low. There is not a reasonable risk to reward ratio. More so, our calling is informed by an internal passion that is compelling yet difficult to explain.
“Your career is what you’re paid to do. Your calling is what you’re made to do.”
Daily, we are tasked with creating great spaces where people want to be. It’s fundamentally basic to the human experience ever since man sought caves for shelter and drew upon their walls. It’s really no more complicated than that. You come across these spaces every day – a sun-filled room, a comfortable corner banquette tucked into the rear of a café, a window intentionally framing an awesome view, the place in your own home where best to read a book or a porch swing. Thank a designer for these.
Last year, we completed an atrium space that was simply intended to be a large living room – a gathering place for a building that held thousands of occupants. It had very high ceilings, an abundance of natural materials, great colors, and truly wonderful light entering through large windows. It was constructed mostly of stone and masonry lending a feel of permanence, yet with sufficient glass to feel almost outdoors. Although biased, we felt the design was rather successful and enjoyed watching people function within.
Several months later, we found out a young lady had chosen this space in which families and friends would watch she and her husband-to-be exchange wedding vows. Selecting a wedding venue can be a daunting, but sacred task as it is the place where one of your most cherished life events and memories will unfold.
How cool is it to know a stack of rough sketches, a carefully assembled set of construction documents, some sticks and bricks – but mainly a big idea – provided the surroundings in which to launch their new life together? And the best part? This wedding was during the holiday season, and the Christmas tree was enormous, adding an even more special touch to a momentous occasion.
This is why we do what we do. That’s our perspective.